Death, Taxes, and Rust

Alex Koyfman

Posted September 22, 2014

Death and taxes, people joke, are two of life’s inevitabilities. Although both can be delayed, neither can be avoided.

Well, I’d like to offer up a third such inevitably of life on Earth: oxidation.

Yes, I know… death, taxes, and oxidation hardly has a ring to it. But in a list of things that happen regardless of our efforts to counteract them, oxidation definitely ranks pretty high.

When talking about metals, oxidation is known by a simpler term… and one that works better in our triumvirate.

Death, taxes, and rust.

Across the globe, rust costs heavy industry and infrastructure an inconceivable $2.2 trillion annually — all because there’s no way to stop oxygen atoms from bonding to metals.

Now, of course, modern technology has made strides in defeating this problem. But as with most things, our greatest efforts have merely slowed the process down.

Even the most expensive stainless alloys out there today will eventually rust. They will eventually degrade, crumble, and fall apart.

Anyone who’s seen the History Channel series Life After People has witnessed highly accelerated computer models of what happens to cars, bridges, and entire cities as nature gradually reclaims the base elements.

Skyscrapers, with skeletons of steel, will rot from within and collapse after several centuries.

Eventually, the only trace of even our biggest engineering accomplishments will be nothing but high concentrations of dust-sized flakes of rust mixed in with the earth.

Almost Impossible

However, the inevitable course of nature has never stopped ambitious individuals from continuing this seemingly futile battle.

And one such company has come closer to winning that battle than anyone else before it.

Ranked #1 by the Wall Street Journal for Global Manufacturing Innovation and called the most promising material science company in the U.S. by Forbes, this firm has received dozens of trade, industry, and technology awards, including multiple R&D 100 awards and a technology and innovation award from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

So what does it do, and how does it do it?

Well, this company has taken the concept of fighting corrosion into the 21st century… and it’s nothing short of modern-day alchemy.

Focusing on the design and development of nanocomposite materials, fabricated metal products, engineered metal composites, and engineered reactive materials, its main markets right now are heavy industry and infrastructure.

Specifically, this company develops its products and processes for applications in the energy, aerospace and defense, infrastructure, and industrial processing industries.

Geographically, it services the one region that has the single greatest demand for infrastructure maintenance — the United States, where aging roads, bridges, and electrical and communications grids have been in need of a major overhaul for decades.

A Solution to a Giant Problem

In all, based on the economic burden it creates, this is a market worth more than $250 billion a year in the U.S. alone — and to date, nobody else has come up with anything resembling a long-term solution.

But with its proprietary technology, this company has achieved results that are nothing short of miraculous.

In long-term testing conditions, materials treated with this company’s patented anti-corrosion process or developed using its unique manufacturing techniques have proven to survive between 40 and 80 times longer than those of its competitors.


Just think: an 8,000% improvement in longevity for parts and components responsible for carrying out some of our nation’s most crucial industrial tasks.

It’s such a stark improvement over everything that came before it that one of this company’s patents has been endorsed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

It’s not every day that the world’s biggest space-exploration agency vouches for you.

But it Goes Even Farther Than That…

This company does more than just research, develop, and market… It also invests in similar technologies, often buying up competing technologies instead of engaging in wasteful redundant research campaigns just to stay even.

It’s a formula for industry dominance that companies like Google and Yahoo have engaged in for years to stay ahead of the game.

So… why did I refer to this as “alchemy” earlier?

Well, alchemy is the ancient art of manipulating matter.

It dates back to antiquity and covers a wide range of disciplines and philosophies, but one of the most commonly known goals of the art is to turn lead into gold.

Today, we know this is a physical impossibility… just as avoiding metallic oxidation is a physical impossibility.

However, given the level of progress this company’s anti-corrosion technology has demonstrated, I’d say it’s about as close to doing the impossible as will ever be necessary for practical purposes.

Prolonging the useful life span of any crucial part by any appreciable length of time is as good as printing money… Prolonging it by a factor of 80 changes the equation entirely.

Not unlike turning lead into gold.

Its Time is Here

From an investing standpoint, there’s one more piece of information that really makes this a standout…

The company has a total market capitalization of less than $60 million.

For a corporation that has already been recognized as an industry leader in a sector worth hundreds of billions, the fact that it’s still this small means it’s virtually guaranteed to see meteoric movement before the end of 2015.

There’s a lot more to cover about this company and, unfortunately, not enough time to do it in this article.

I would encourage you to check out the full report on this company just released by my colleague, Nick Hodge.

You’ll get the full story on its plans, its partnerships, and its prospects, as well as technical projections on what you can expect to earn if you go along for the ride.

It was a major eye-opener for me, and I think it will be for you, too.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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